Our podcast guest is Joe Stoddard, a Partner at Eide Bailly specializing in US Research & Development Tax Credits. Eide Bailly is one of the top accounting firms in the US.

In this podcast, Joe talks to us about some of the major changes in R & D tax incentives, what they are,  their primary purpose, and how they work.

Questions we discuss include:

  • What is the R & D tax incentive?
  • Why does the government offer R&D tax incentives?
  • Do states also offer R&D credits?
  • What types of activities typically qualify for the R&D tax credit?
  • Is the R&D credit limited to certain industries?
  • What R&D expenses are credit eligible?
  • How much credit is generated for each dollar of qualified expense?
  • Is there a cap on the amount of R&D credits a company can receive?
  • Explain how the R&D credit has recently been expanded to help small to medium sized businesses receive more benefit. 
  • What impact does tax reform have on the R&D credit and related incentives?
  • What type of documentation is required to support any credits claimed?

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