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Globig’s Weekly World Wrap-up is a curation of important or thought provoking news and insights from the international business, privacy, global HR, AI, cybersecurity, legal, trade, regulatory, investment, startup, and technology sectors around the globe – all in one place.


The Pandemic Will Transform Us. Here’s How
Via Vox: Few aspects of life are untouched by coronavirus and resulting global lockdowns. From an emerging “quarantine state of mind” to a new era of frugality to expanding how we vote, here’s what we predict will happen next. Read More

Staying Positive While Working From Home
Via Forbes: While it may not be the first time you are working from home, you may be feeling even more lonely, stressed or anxious. Here is how to stay positive while finding ways to create a non-isolated WFH culture. Read More

[Playable Simluation] What Happens Next? COVID-19 Futures, Explained And Visualized 
Via NCase: An interactive guide to understanding different COVID-19 scenarios, to help prepare for the future. Play Now

Shift Your Organization From Panic To Purpose
Via Harvard Business Review: Business as usual is impossible. Now is a perfect time to re-evaluate. Read More


California’s New Data Privacy Laws (CCPA) Could Crush China-Focused Businesses
Via China Law Blog: Companies will be at a major disadvantage when CCPA suits start coming and it is likely to be especially tough for companies that do business in China. Here’s how you can prepare. Read More

US Senators Propose COVID-19 Data Privacy Bill
Via Andriod Central: US Senators have introduced a COVID-19 data privacy bill, designed to strike a balance between innovation, technology, and consumer privacy. Read More

New Report Shows Consumers Want Privacy, But Are Unaware Of New Data Privacy Regulations
Via PR Newswire: While 89% of consumers say data privacy is important, more than half (55%) are unaware of any data privacy regulation, according to a new study. Read More


What’s Behind South Korea’s COVID-19 Exceptionalism
Via The Atlantic: Seven weeks ago, South Korea and the US had the same number of virus deaths. Today, South Korea has fewer than 300, and the U.S. has more than 70,000. Read More

[Podcast] Global Law And Business Podcast: Southeast Asia – The Present And Future Of Intellectual Property
Via China Law Blog: A discussion of intellectual property rights (IPR) in Southeast Asia with Geetha Kandiah, director of one of the leading IP firms in the region. Listen Now

Asia’s Lesson for Corralling Coronavirus? “Act Fast”
Via The Wall Street Journal: A deeper awareness of pandemic risks, informed by past experiences, is being cited as one of the reasons why many parts of Asia appear to be coping with COVID-19 somewhat better than many Western nations. Read More


British Government Urges “Caution” On Lockdown Easing
Via The BBC: Changes could be incremental and vary between nations, but media reports “are not a reliable guide.” Read More

Sweden Has Avoided A Coronavirus Lockdown, But Its Economy Is Hurting Anyway
Via The Wall Street Journal: Sweden’s decision not to impose a mandatory national lockdown has drawn global attention. But it turns out the situation here is not as different as it might first appear. Read More

COVID-19’s Threat To European Unity
Via CNN: The pandemic may present the biggest risk to the political project of European unity. It is up to Europe’s leaders and their citizens to decide how much sacrifice they are willing to make collectively in this moment of nation-first sentiment to save it. Read More


US 2-Year Yield Falls to Record Low as Economy Shows Strain
Via Bloomberg: The US two-year Treasury yield fell to a record low not far above zero as economic data revealed more of the damage caused by measures to contain the coronavirus pandemic. Read More

US President Signs Immigration Green Card Suspension
Via The BBC: The measure, which contains a number of exemptions, lasts for 60 days and could be extended, President Trump said. Read More

Canada’s Immigration Minister Shares Coronavirus Updates 
Via Canada Immigration Newsletter: Recently, Marco Mendicino discussed how the coronavirus pandemic will impact Canada’s immigration system in the coming months and years. Read More

The Coronavirus Is Rewriting Our Country’s Imagination
Via The New Yorker: What felt impossible has become thinkable. The spring of 2020 is suggestive of how much, and how quickly, we can change as a civilization. Read More

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