by Claire Boyce | Apr 24, 2020 | Asia, Asia Pacific, Business Culture, Canada, China, Culture, Data Privacy, EU, Europe, France, GDPR, Germany, Global, Global HR, Global Marketing, Int'l HR, Int'l Legal, Int'l Tax & Accounting, North America, UK, United Kingdom, United States, US
The global scene is constantly changing, with new opportunities and challenges every day. You’ll want to stay in the know and we’re here to help. Globig’s Weekly World Wrap-up is a curation of important or thought provoking news and...
by Claire Kooyman | Sep 11, 2019 | Business Culture, Business Etiquette, Culture, Europe, India, UK, United Kingdom, United States
Business lunches are a big part of American business culture; deals might be agreed upon before the bill even arrives. However, other countries do not spend their business lunches in the same way, and some don’t work at lunch at all. When you travel, do you notice...
by Anke Corbin | Apr 23, 2019 | Business Culture, Business Expansion, Culture, Global HR, Global Mobility, Global Recruiting, Int'l HR, International Expansion, International M&A, Podcast
Many companies are finding themselves expanding their employee pool by hiring international employees. Sometimes that happens all at once such as in a merger or acquisition, and other times, it’s a slower ongoing process for fast growing companies to look for and hire...
by Anke Corbin | Feb 21, 2019 | Business Culture, Business Etiquette, Business Expansion, Culture, Etiquette, Global, International Expansion, International M&A, Startups
There are many different reasons why a startup might merge with, acquire, or be acquired by another company abroad, and international expansion is one of the more common reasons. There are more companies combining around the world today than ever before in order to:...
by Anke Corbin | Nov 1, 2018 | Business Culture, Culture, Global, Global HR, Podcast
A Guide To Recruiting Different Generations Around The World There are lots of stereotypes for each generation and this impacts how recruits are perceived and the approach companies take to hiring each generation. This podcast walks through some of the biggest...
by Anke Corbin | Sep 6, 2018 | Business Culture, Business Etiquette, Culture, Etiquette, Webinar
Entering a new international market requires intercultural awareness and savvy because without these things, one can easily offend international counterparts and potentially lose out on what would have otherwise been a successful venture. Our guest expert for this...