To increase your demand generation email open rates, it’s important to understand the psychology behind why people open emails in the first place. At Globig, we’ve been studying and testing neuro-marketing and the psychology of why and how people respond to marketing for a long time. Demand generation email marketing is no exception, the way our brains work clearly impacts our responsiveness to different types of marketing. There are a number of reasons that drive people to click through: maybe the email is important, or perhaps something in the subject line got their attention.

Almost half of the time, it’s the subject line that entices someone to open. Our brain is wired to respond to certain stimuli. In this article, we’ll share how our brain works, and how to optimize email marketing results with different subject lines. 

According to Business2Community, 47% of email recipients open an email based on the subject line alone. Plus, 69% report an email as spam based solely on the subject line. So if you’re looking to get more clicks, the best way to do it is through your subject line. After all, it’s the first thing people see. So let’s talk about some of the most effective subject lines to boost your open rates.

10 Clever +  Relevant Email Subject Line Types That Increase Open Rates

1. The Fear of Missing Out ‘FOMO’ Subject Line

One of the best ways to grab an email recipient’s attention is by creating an element of fear. Make them fear that they’re missing out on something — it’s a powerful motivator for all of us. Use words like “important”, “breaking”, or “alert” to invoke a sense of urgency without being too salesy.

Here’s a great example by VioletGrey, a luxury beauty retailer:

“Get Them Before They’re Gone…”

2. Curiosity Subject Line

Another great way to attract click-throughs is to pique your subscribers’ curiosity. Our brain dislikes unfinished puzzles or not having things buttoned up. We are curious beings and want to be in the know and find answers to our questions. Consider leaving your subject line open-ended to keep your email recipients guessing. 

Carb Manager, a low-carb and keto diet app, does an awesome job of piquing curiosity with this subject line:

“We’ve been waiting for MONTHS to announce this …”

3. Humor Subject Line

With the right targeting strategy and solid knowledge of your audience, humor can go a long way in increasing your open rates and building relationships. If you can make your subscribers laugh, then you’ve definitely got their attention. 

Chubbies, a men’s shorts company, executed the funny subject line perfectly:

“Screw it, let’s just give everyone free stuff (Chubbies)”

4. Vanity Subject Line

Appeal to the vain side of your subscribers with vanity-driven subject lines. Promise your prospects and customers something that will make them look or feel better.  We all want that, right?

MAC Cosmetics knew just what to say:

“Make Your Skin #GlowForReal 🙌✨”

5. Greed Subject Line

Play on your subscribers’ desires to save big on premium products. Everyone wants to save money and get great value. This can also feed into our vanity of making a great business decision and getting a deal. To do this, offer real value sales and discounts. 

TigerDirectB2B had this to say in their greed-based subject line:

“Deal Alert! Laptops Up To $1,450 Off”

6. Lazy Subject Line

Most of us have the desire to do less and still gain something from time to time. So why not offer a shortcut or useful resource to help email subscribers save time and energy? Finding helpful tips, tricks, and shortcuts for ways to save time and get ahead is highly motivating to us. 

DigitalMarketer does this well:

“Google Display Network (Your one-page cheat sheet)”

7. Pain Point Subject Line

Knowing your audience means knowing the types of problems they encounter. We all want to believe that the companies we do business with really ‘get us’ and are the right partners. Offering a well-targeted and specific solution in your subject line can increase your email’s chance of getting click-throughs. The more you know about (without being creepy) and understand your customers, the stronger your marketing can be.

Ovh, a global cloud provider, knew just what to say to its subscribers:

“The perfect solution for your backup storage challenges”

8. Name/Personalization in Subject Line

Personalizing your email subject lines by including your subscriber’s name, using casual language, or sharing something personal can significantly increase your open rates. These methods can help create a stronger connection with your readers. A relevant and personalized email will feel more friendly when done correctly.

Here’s how Rent the Runway did that:

“Happy Birthday [Name] – Surprise Inside!”

9. Emoji in Subject Line

Emojis save space, convey emotions, and stand out in a crowded inbox. Using emojis in your email subject lines can increase your open rates by 56% according to Experian Marketing. Make sure to test adding emojis to see how they impact your open rates. 

 ASOS, an online clothing retailer, took full advantage of this:

“You this summer: 🙆‍♂️🕺🏄⛹️😎”

10. Direct and Bold Subject Line

Email subject lines that get straight to the point are highly effective. If you have something valuable to say, it’s best to just come out and say it – as long as you keep it short. 

 Gartner cut right to the chase with this: 

“Gartner Research: How to structure your marketing org for future success”

Final Thoughts

All in all, the key to getting more people to open your emails is appealing to their deepest values and desires. Test these different subject line types and see what works best for your business. 

If you’d like help with your US-based or international email strategy, please talk to us. We’ve helped hundreds of companies grow around the world and we would love to help you grow also. 

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