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Globig’s Weekly World Wrap-up is a curation of important or thought provoking news and insights from the international business, privacy, global HR, AI, cybersecurity, legal, trade, regulatory, investment, startup, and technology sectors around the globe – all in one place.

This Week, In A Nutshell: Protests and pandemic and pandemonium – oh my! As drug-makers in the US push for a vaccineretailers and restaurants close after opening due to protests. Meanwhile, the EU and UK remain far apart on Brexit issues, and France rolls out a contact-tracing app. In Asia, India is loosening lock-down and Hong Kong’s future remains tenuous


Dangers Of “Vaccine Nationalism”
Via Harvard Business Review: Countries must deploy a coordinated strategy based on science, not politics. Read More

Is Working Remotely Going To Be The New Normal? 
Via Reuters: More than three out of four US human resource executives think more employees will continue to work from home even after the threat of the novel coronavirus subsides, according to a recent survey. Read More

Finding Moments Of Joy Is Key To Resiliency
Via Quartz: Small, joyful moments act like a reset button for the body’s stress response. Read More

Why Companies Do “Innovation Theater” Instead Of Actual Innovation
Via Harvard Business Review: Putting too much focus on process and not enough on product makes companies less innovative. Read More


Work From Home Survey Finds Major Security Lapses
Via SC magazine: Stay-at-home workers are threatening corporate IT security in a big way, study finds. Read More

Two Years Later: Has GDPR Been Taken Seriously Enough By Companies?
Via The Information Age: Despite limitations to its enforcement, businesses should not look to dodge GDPR regulation, but embrace it and the benefits that it can bring through improved data governance best practices. Read More

Shadow IT Management: Choosing The Right Data Privacy Software
Via JD Supra: In nearly every company, there exists what’s called “Shadow IT,” meaning those digital assets managed and utilized without the oversight of the IT department. Read More

Despite COVID-19, Here Are 4 Easy Steps For Data Privacy And Security Compliance
Via The Legal Intelligencer: The world has changed. Yet, while the COVID-19 outbreak has resulted in a Great Pause for onsite operations, it has not suspended the need for data privacy and security. Read More


India To Loosen Lockdown Despite Record Cases
Via The BBC: A plan to ease the world’s biggest lockdown begins on June 8 with restaurants and malls re-opening. Read More

The Endangered Asian Century
Via Foreign Affairs: The strategic choices that the United States and China make will shape the contours of the emerging global order. Read More

Why China May Call The World’s Bluff On Hong Kong
Via The New York Times: The US looks weak. Business is falling in line. Protests have been muted. For Beijing, the damage to the city and its own reputation from seizing greater control may be worth it. Read More

Employee Terminations In China
Via The China Law Blog: In these uncertain pandemic times, many employers in China are turning to layoffs, furloughs, and pay cuts to reduce their labor costs. Read More


French Virus Tracing App Goes Live Amid Privacy Debate
Via The Associated Press: France is rolling out an official coronavirus contact-tracing app aimed at containing fresh outbreaks, becoming the first major European country to deploy the smartphone technology. Read More

UK, EU Officials Remain Far Apart On Core Issues As Brexit Talks Falter
Via Financial Times: Setbacks ramp up pressure on Boris Johnson ahead of crucial summit this month. Read More

EU-China Summit: What Really Happened?
Via Deusche Welle: The EU and China have postponed a hotly anticipated summit, blaming COVID-19. But with infections down, the economy reopening, and China under fire over its clampdown on Hong Kong – is the pandemic the real reason? Read More


Retailers, Restaurants Across US Close Doors Amid Protests
Via The Washington Post: Looting and destruction has followed in the wake of protests across the country, just as many retailers and restaurants were reopening from the pandemic. Read More

White House Works With Seven Drugmakers In ‘Warp Speed’ Push For Vaccine
Via Bloomberg: The White House is working with seven pharmaceutical companies as part of its “Warp Speed” coronavirus vaccine program, including a bet on a rapid-but-unproven genetic technology. Read More

What You Need To Know About Canada’s Updated Provincial Coronavirus Travel Bans
Via Forbes: To stop the spread of the coronavirus, some provinces are banning inter-provincial travel. Plan your summer vacation with this guide to Canada’s provincial travel restrictions. Read More

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