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Globig’s Weekly World Wrap-up is a curation of important or thought provoking news and insights from the international business, privacy, global HR, AI, cybersecurity, legal, trade, regulatory, investment, startup, and technology sectors around the globe – all in one place.

This Week, In A Nutshell: The coronavirus pandemic continues to affect everything from what we’re eating, to  how apps track us, to how we apply for bankruptcy, to the existence of social-distancing robot-dogs (seriously). Meanwhile, the process of re-opening sows confusion in Mexico, makes golfers happy in England, and introduces troublesome second-wave flare-ups in Asia


What Mutual Aid Can Do During A Pandemic
Via The New Yorker: A radical grassroots practice is suddenly getting mainstream attention. Will it change how we help one another? Read More

Artist Hilariously Illustrates The Differences Between Different Countries And Languages
Via Bright Humanity: This artist made learning about new cultures fun in a series of comics depicting life – and tourism – around the globe. Read More

Leading Through Anxiety
Via Harvard Business Review: How to inspire others when you’re struggling yourself. Read More

Coronavirus Diets: What’s Behind That Urge To Eat Like Little Kids?
Via The Conversation: During these stressful times, if you find yourself reaching into the pantry of your past, you’re probably not alone. Read More


A Flood Of Coronavirus Apps Are Tracking Us. Now It’s Time To Track Them
Via MIT Technology Review: There’s a deluge of apps that detect your COVID-19 exposure, often with little transparency. Our Covid Tracing Tracker project will document them. Read More

Four GDPR Violations Multiple Companies Have Been Fined For
Via Security Boulevard: Here are some common GDPR violations that have zapped organizations – to give you an idea of what regulators are looking for and how badly it can hurt if your company is found not to be in compliance. Read More

GDPR Survey: Benefits Beyond Compliance
Via Global Compliance News: Our new report reveals that in spite of a continuous struggle to secure compliance with the GDPR, many organizations are able to derive operational benefits from its implementation. Read More

AI And Data Privacy: Compatible, Or At Odds?
Via InfoSecurity: How do we leverage the best of what AI has to offer without compromising data privacy? Read More


What Is China’s Cryptocurrency-like Sovereign Digital Currency?
Via South China Morning Post: China’s sovereign digital currency could be launched later this year, with the likes of Alibaba’s Alipay and Tencent’s WeChat Pay already popular payment methods. Read More

Japan’s Slide Into Recession To Be Confirmed With Worse To Come
Via Bloomberg: Japan’s economy has slipped from sales-tax hangover into deep recession, official data is set to show on Monday, with worse to come even as coronavirus restrictions on activity are gradually lifted. Read More

Robot Dog Enforces Social Distancing In City Park
Via BBC: The four-legged robot carries a camera and speaker to play social distancing messages in Singapore. Read More

Second Waves Are Plaguing Asia’s Virus Recovery
Via Bloomberg: An elderly woman with no travel history. An unexpected flare-up in a nightclub. A swelling cluster in towns near international borders with no discernible source. Read More


EU Unveils Plans To Save Vacations And Avoid A Lost Summer
Via Associated Press: On Wednesday, the EU unveiled its plan to help citizens across the 27 nations salvage their summer vacations after months of tough coronavirus confinement and to hopefully resurrect Europe’s badly battered tourism industry. Read More

Germany’s Daily Coronavirus Case Count Triples As Regions Consider An ‘Emergency Brake’ To Reinstate Harsher Lockdowns
Via Business Insider: Germany’s Robert Koch Institute announced 933 new coronavirus cases early Tuesday. The country’s departure from lockdown has not been smooth. Read More

Happy Golfers, Anxious Commuters As England Eases Lockdown
Via The New York Times: The sound of crisply struck golf balls could be heard in England for the first time in nearly two months as courses reopened Wednesday, part of a modest easing of coronavirus lockdown restrictions. Read More


Why Is America Resisting Learning From Other Countries?
Via The Atlantic: The pandemic may pose the greatest threat yet to the belief that America has little to learn from the rest of the world. Read More

Mexico Stirs Confusion Over When The Auto Industry Can Reopen
Via Bloomberg: Mexico sowed confusion over how quickly the car industry can resume operations in the country, with two ministers making potentially conflicting back-to-back announcements. Read More

US Bankruptcy Courts Ill-Prepared For Tsunami Of People Going Broke From Coronavirus Shutdown
Via The Conversation: The bankruptcy system has always been difficult to navigate, especially for minorities and other vulnerable groups. The pandemic is making it a lot harder. Read More

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