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Globig’s Weekly World Wrap-up is a curation of important or thought provoking news and insights from the international business, privacy, global HR, AI, cybersecurity, legal, trade, regulatory, investment, startup, and technology sectors around the globe – all in one place.


COVID-19 Hinders Influencer Marketing Collaborations, Causes Some Creators To Shift Focus
Via eMarketer: Fallout caused by the spread of the coronavirus – including travel restrictions, business closures and event cancellations – has taken its toll on the influencer marketing industry. Here’s how creators are coping. Read More

The Pandemic Has Messed Up Global Supply Chains And Blockchains Could Help.
Via MIT Technology Review: The novel coronavirus sweeping the globe has exposed how vulnerable international supply chains are to disruption. The World Economic Forum has a pitch for how to make them more resilient: blockchains. Read More

Five Lessons For The Coronavirus Recovery, From An Expert On Success And Failure In Crisis
Via Fortune: An expert on economies recovering from disaster finds lessons for the road ahead in the tsunamis and wars of the past. Read More

Self-Care: Seven Ways To Indulge Yourself Without Breaking The Budget
Via Forbes: Even with the great uncertainty of COVID-19, you can prioritize your self-care without breaking the budget. Read More


COVID-19: Health And Security Concerns Reshape The Supply Chain
Via Chemical And Engineering News: The coronavirus pandemic may mark a re-balancing of where drugs are made as nations recognize a greater security imperative. Read More

Europe’s Privacy Law Hasn’t Shown Its Teeth, Frustrating Advocates
Via The New York Times: Nearly two years in, there has been little enforcement of the General Data Protection Regulation, once seen as ushering in a new era. Read More

The Coronavirus And The Future Of Big Tech
Via The New Yorker: The Danish politician Margrethe Vestager reflects on how the coronavirus may force a trade-off between privacy and health. Read More

Government Use Of Personal Data In The Coronavirus Response Requires Public Debate, Support
Via The Institute For Government: Outbreaks and pandemics often focus attention on the conditions that helped them to spread, and in countries with well-developed public health systems, might subsequent scrutiny fall on disease surveillance? Could better use of data have helped us to track, and stop, the spread of coronavirus, especially since much of the technology now exists? Read More


Australia, New Zealand Ponder Mutual Reopening Once Virus Is Contained
Via Bloomberg: Australia and New Zealand’s borders are closed but discussions are in place to reopen concurrently in the near future. Read More

Vietnam’s COVID-19 Lessons For The Rest Of Us
Via The Washington Post: The country is succeeding in the fight against the coronavirus in ways the rest of us can learn from. Read More

Domestic Flights Are Returning To The Skies In Asia
Via CNN: China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand and Australia are among the countries set to resume or increase domestic flights as COVID-19 lockdown restrictions ease. Read More


How The Coronavirus Pandemic Has Affected Lives Of International Residents Across Europe
Via Plow: The coronavirus pandemic has deeply impacted life across Europe, particularly for international residents, who have no idea when they will be able to travel home or even stay in their adopted countries. Read More

European Slump Is Worst Since World War II, Reports Show
Via The New York Times: The European Central Bank will pay banks to lend money after the economy shrank the most in decades. The worst is yet to come, the eurozone’s top central banker warned. Read More

UK Warns EU Is Risking Brexit Deal by Ignoring Its Red Lines
Via Bloomberg: The European Union needs to understand the UK is serious about its red lines in negotiations over their future relationship, a person familiar with the British position said. Read More


After Decades Of Materialism, Americans Experiment With Frugality
Via Vox: Washing Ziploc bags in quarantine is different from traditional thriftiness. Welcome to “the novel frugality.” Read More

U.S Borders Will Remain Shut To Foreign Travelers As States Reopen
Via The Wall Street Journal: The Trump administration has no immediate plans to reopen the country’s borders after imposing a ban on foreign travelers from the EU and the UK last month to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Read More

Mexico’s Drug Cartels Are Handing Out Aid To Poor Residents. The Country’s President Wants Them To Stop
Via Business Insider: Mexico’s president told the cartels that they should focus on ending violence instead of giving out care packages. Read More

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