Wouldn’t it be easy if you could charge the same price in any new market that you already charge at home? In reality, your prices should change for each new market you enter. And it's not as simple as applying a standard percentage change. There are many other factors that go into determining the best price. With this guide, we will help you develop your own best pricing approach for each new country.
This guide was written by international expansion experts with first-hand experience at developing successful pricing strategies for new markets and new countries.
Developing An International Pricing Strategy will help you:
- Identify market-specific factors that will impact your margins
- Select your International Commercial Terms (Incoterms)
- Calculate your international pricing
- Globig makes it easy for you to determine the best prices for your products. Get your pricing strategy guide with step-by-step plans to developing the right pricing strategy for every country.
BONUS: Download Developing An International Pricing Strategy and you’ll also receive the Top-Down Pricing Calculator as a bonus, which you can use to input key factors and model pricing options.